Sunday, 20 April 2008

Favourite things

Lita challenged me to do an ABC of my favourite things so here goes:

A: Agatha Christie - the author. I love immersing myself in her books with all their twists and turns.
B: Books - I have a need... a need to read!
C: Chips - Tasty Jack's plain salted ridge cut chips.
D: Donna - my name. It wasn't always this way (used to hate it with a passion) but I've grown into it.
E: Escalators - anything to save my knees from those stairs!
F: Friends - both "real" and the "internet axe-murderer" kind.
G: Green - one of my two favourite colours. (Blue is the other one).
H: Home - my sanctuary from the hustle and bustle.
I: Ice cream - rum and raisin in a cone with choc topping (the kind that goes hard .. YUM!)
J: Jeffrey Archer - another favourite author.
K: Kids - love my three boys (most of the time!)
L: Laughter - "You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing".
M: Music - no particular genre. Just whatever I'm in the mood for at the time.
N: Nature - I like watching the seasons change .. just don't like weeds!
O: Organisational stuff - things to help me get a bit more order in this chaotic world.
P: People watching - love to sit in a busy mall and just watch the people go by.
Q: Quiet - need more of that!
R: Reminiscing - love looking through photo albums and re-living all those experiences.
S: Scrapping - enjoy the process as well as the end result.
T: Tools - got to have the right tools.
U: Useful information - all those little facts to store away.
V: Vices - chocolate & books.
W: Wet weather - love listening to the sound of the rain on the tin roof.
X: Xanthophyllic leaves - autumn leaves that have turned yellow (and many other shades)
Y: Yolk - A fried or boiled egg with a runny yolk and warm toast to mop it up with. Yum!
Z: Zoo. I really enjoy going to the zoo (any zoo!) and just watching the animals.

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