Saturday, 19 July 2008

Holiday Update #11

Thursday 17th July

I tried to do some more scrapping this morning but it just wasn’t working so I went into town to buy the boys a souvenir of my time away. Of course, I couldn’t find anything that I considered reasonable, so I spent a lot of time just wandering and even took a drive out to Caveworks. I had seen some grow-your-own-crystal kits there that I thought would be great but they only had them in one colour … white. Pretty boring! I already had a few little things so after that I gave up and went back to the house to start getting things organized for the trip home. Well, that was the plan anyway!

I ended up spending all afternoon and half the night reading the Janet Evanovich series about Stephanie Plum, Bounty Hunter. What a laugh! I like reading crime novels that have a bit of humour in them and the mental images she manages to create are absolutely hilarious. And the grandma .. what a hoot! Now I just have to raid the library to see if they’ve got the last couple I haven’t read.

In case you hadn’t figured … another late night!

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