Driving home from school on Monday, Bradley was rather quiet in the back of the car, when all of a sudden he pipes up with:
"Mum, what's a bee-ow?"
"A what?"
"A bee-ow or maybe a bee-oo."
"I have no idea. Spell it."
"Oh, that's said 'bo' and it means a suitor or boyfriend."
At this point he started laughing almost hysterically.
"What's so funny?"
"The ute that just went past does repairs on boyfriends! That's funny!"
I looked for the ute in question and sure enough it was a Beaurepaires ute. (For those who don't know, Beaurepaires is a tyre outlet here in WA.) More laughter ensued until ...
"Why would you repair a boyfriend Mum? If they're broken wouldn't you just get a new one?"
It really is a throwaway society isn't it?
ROFL Out of the mouths of babes..
eJust wondered if this applied to husbands as well !!!!!!
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